
Animal Fencing

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If you are new to keeping livestock or are thinking about getting some critters for the home place you’ll need to know what kind of fencing is recommended for the type of animal you have or are thinking about getting. Having the right fence will not only keep your animals safe but will keep you from hours of frustration trying to round up loose animals. And the saying about good fences make good neighbors is particularly true when you have livestock.

Different species of animals need different kinds of fencing. If you are mixing several species of animals you need to choose the fence that will keep the wiliest critters in as seeing their friends out and about inspires the others to join them. Sometimes you will have one animal that seems to always be getting out. Animals do learn by observing so you need to find a way to control that animal or get rid of it.

Sheep and goats need wire fencing with small openings. Wire mesh keeps them in and predators out. The openings need to be small because they will stick their heads through larger mesh like in field fence and get stuck, particularly horned animals. For most sheep a four feet high fence will work but for goats 5-6 feet is better. Goats may often need a hot wire on the top of the fence and the fence should come right to the ground.